Fluid Energy and Environmental Engineering Lab
FEELab has been devoted to doing acacemic researches and nurturing Myanmar's new generation engineers to suit the country's needs. FEELab has been conducting a broad range of researches: from ventalitation of buildings to scramjet and rocket engine combustions. FEELab also provides consultation services to companies and industries which need careful researches in their products and services. Apart from Aerospace researches, FEELab also does the following researches.
Optimization of Wind Turbines/Wind Farm
Wind turbines are usually deployed in arrays of tens or hundreds of units. Although wind turbines are initially optimized for maximum energy extraction for a single unit, deploying hundreds of units needs some field or computational work to maintain their peak performances.
Natural Ventilation of Buildings
All modern buildings and bridges are built in consideration of aerodynamic effects to get comfortable air flow inside and to reduce vortex induced vibrations.
Green Cities
Nowadays, going green is the most important of all for every city built. Dusts like PM10 or other hazardous gases from demolition of buildings and road vehicles are carefully assessed for minimum impact to the environment. Noises, other environmental and health impacts from factories should be researched before anything goes wrong.
FEELab provides pre and post process analyses with theoretical, computational and experimental means to help you solve problems and get the best results for your Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report.
Numerical Simulation of Scramjet Inlet at Mach 7
Dye Visualization of Vortical Flow past a Cylinder
Combustion Simulation of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine
Prediction of Wake Structure behind a Helicopter

Aung Myo Thu
Room MB 1-1 | Tel: 95-642035243 |
Department of International Relation | Fax: 95-642035245 |
Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University Meiktila, Myanmar | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
http://www.mgmyo.com | |
Konkuk University(Seoul, Republic of Korea) | Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering | 2008-2012 |
Yangon Technological University (Yangon, Myanmar) | Master of Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering | 2004-2005 |
Yangon Technological University(Yangon, Myanmar) | Bachelor of Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering | 2001-2004 |
Wind Tunnel Testing, Pressure Sensitive Paints, Temperature Sensitive Paints, Particle Image Velocimetry, ANSYS, MatLab, Fortran, Python
- Aerodynamics
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
Best Presenter Award | International Conference on Science and Engineering, Myanmar | 2011 |
Brain Korea 21 Program (Ph.D. Full Scholarship) | Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea | 2008 |
- Myanmar Engineering Society
- Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, unsteady aerodynamics, experimental aerodynamics, CFD, vortex interactions, flow separation, flow control technology, boundary layer flow, shock waves, shock wave-boundary layer interaction, combustion, delta and double delta wing flow physics, static and dynamic stall physics, environmentally friendly vehicles design, futuristic PAVs.
“Dynamic Stall: A Mystery over Helicopter Rotor Blades” | Meiktila Technological University, Myanmar | 2014 |
International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned System | Journal of Unmanned System Technology | 2012-2013 |
Korea : A Colorful Lotus Dancing in its Own Rhythm | Millennium Windows Publishing | 2013 |
The Salt Technology (about the utilities of Aerospace Technologies in different fields) | Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University | 2014 |
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PHYO WAI THAW | Research Filed : Optimization of Scramjet Inlet Design |
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ZIN WIN THU | Research Field : Multidisciplinary Design Analysis of Fixed Winged Aircraft |
- 1. Computational Fluid Dynamic Study on Boundary Layer Efficiency of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine. (reviewing)
- 2. Aung Myo Thu, Sang Eon Jeon, Yung Hwan Byun, Soo Hyung Park, "Dynamic Stall Vortex Formation of OA-209 Airfoil at Low Reynolds Number," Int'l Journal of Mechanical, Industrial Science and Engineering, Vol:8 No:2,2014. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.
- 3. Aung Myo Thu, Yung Hwan Byun, Jae-Woo Lee, "Dye Visualization of the Vortical Flow Structure over Double-Delta Wing", Journal of Aerospace Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers. (2012)
- 1. Aung Myo Thu, Thet Nyi Nyi Shwe, “ Computational Fluid Dynamic Study on Boundary Layer Efficiency of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine”, 2015 International Conference on Science and Engineering, Yangon, Myanmar.
- 2. Thet Nyi Nyi Shwe, Aung Myo Thu, Moe Thanda Kyi, “ Simulation of Kerosene-O2 Combustion Flow in Liquid Rocket Combustion Chamber”, 2015 National Conference on Science and Engineering, Mandalay, Myanmar.
- 3. Hein Htwe Aung, Aung Myo Thu, Moe Thanda Kyi, “Design and Simulation of Liquid Propellant Rocket Injector”, 2015 National Conference on Science and Engineering, Mandalay, Myanmar.
- 4. Than Myat Soe, Aung Myo Thu, Moe Thanda Kyi, “Thermochemical Analysis of Kerosene-O2 Propellant Used in Rocket”, 2015 National Conference on Science and Engineering, Mandalay, Myanmar.
- 5. Aung Myo Thu, Jeon Soon Eon, Yung Hwan Byun, Soo Young Park, "Dynamic Stall Procedure of OA-209 Airfoil", The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2013 Spring Conference.
- 6. Aung Myo Thu, Yung Hwan Byun, Jae Woo Lee, Soo Hyung Park, " Calibration Effects on the Interpretation of Flow over a Delta Wing", The Third International Conference on Science and Engineering, Myanmar 2011. [Best Presenter Award]
- 7. Jae Ho Lee, Aung Myo Thu, Young Hwan Byun, " PSP Error Reduction in the Application of Delta Wing Flow", 2011 Wind Tunnel Workshop in Korea.
- 8. Aung Myo Thu, Jae Ho Lee, Yung Hwan Byun, Jae-Woo Lee, Soo Hyung Park, "A Study of PSP Calibration, The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2011 Fall Conference.
- 9. Aung Myo Thu, Yung Hwan Byun, Jae-Woo Lee, Sangho Kim, Choi Won Hyeok, Myint Thein, "Angle of Attack (AOA) Effects on the Vortical-Flow Structure over the Double-Delta-Wing", The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2010 Fall Conference.